Christopher Meyer was Ambassador to the United States from 1997 to 2003, during which time he was an eyewitness to and participant in the events following 9/11 and the preparations for the Iraq war. A riveting and candid memoir of life behind the diplomat Qu'est-ce que la bĂȘtise ? Cette interrogation soulĂšve bien des difficultĂ©s pour celui qui la pose. Robert Musil s'y est essayĂ© Ă ses risques et pĂ©rils, car dĂ©finir la bĂȘtise implique inversement de savoir ce qu'est l'intelligence et postule que celui qui When Diego Rivera's biographer, Bertram Wolfe, was sifting though the painter's jumbled collection of correspondence, he encountered a series of Parisian letters from the Russian painter Angelina Beloff. Long before Diego became famous for his Mexican mur |