Civilitas continues to host volunteers and interns. In February, 2014, Birthright Armenia connected two new enthusiastic volunteers – Arsen Akopyants and Alan Vahe Grigorian – with Civilitas.

Arsen was born and raised in Kislovodsk, Russia. He is a graduate of Saint Petersburg State University with a specialization in International Relations and has experience in PR and lecturing. “I think that it’s very important to protect human rights and democracy in Armenia, to offer alternative views on issues,” says Arsen, explaining his motivation to volunteer at Civilitas and to contribute to the Russia-related media products of CivilNet.

Alan Vahe Grigorian is from California. He recently obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Economics and is waiting to go to law school. Alan had been a Birthright volunteer in Armenia in 2013 and decided to volunteer at Civilitas because, “It offers a comprehensive opportunity to get acquainted with developments occurring in Armenia through various projects, reports and studies.” Alan will support CivilNet’s English language production crew in the coming few months.
We welcome our new volunteers and wish them an insightful experience at Civilitas.

Want to volunteer? Think about a 3 month stay at a central-Yerevan institution with excellent contacts and great outreach. Best of all, just working with our staff will give you language skills and insights hard to come by as a visitor.

Hosting interns and volunteers