Speaking To Be Heard

Vartan Oskanian’s book “Speaking To Be Heard: A Decade of Speeches” has just been published in English and Armenian.

The book is a selection of nearly one hundred speeches that reflect Armenia’s re-emergence on the world stage and documents the history of the post-Soviet period for a world seeking a new order.

These speeches are born of his conviction that positive developments in Armenia and effective engagement abroad depend on Armenia’s willingness and ability to advance beyond national issues and engage fully in matters of regional and global urgency.The collection reflects this commitment.

The volume is edited by Salpi Ghazarian, director of the Civilitas Foundation, and Vartan Oskanian’s special assistant in the Foreign Ministry from 2000 to 2008.

The book is available in English and Armenian through local bookstores, as well as Amazon. In the US, the distributor is the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research www.naasr.org. In Armenia, the distributor is ArtBridge Bookstore Cafe www.artbridge.am.

Read Introduction of the book

Speaking To Be Heard