Armenia’s 2012 budget

Armenia’s residents know how the government collects taxes, but few know how those revenues are spent.  For that budgetreason, the Civilitas annual report Armenia in 2011- Without Illusions, prepared a well-researched and detailed poster providing a visual explanation of Armenia’s 2012 budget.

The budget is divided into 11 fundamental categories:

  • Social security – 271.93 bln AMD
  • General Public Services – 153.16 bln AMD
  • Defense – 146.22 bln AMD
  • Support to Different Economic Spheres – 97.01 bln AMD
  • Education- 108.43 bln AMD
  • Public Order, Security and Justice- 60.78 bln AMD
  • Health – 62.46 bln AMD
  • Housing and Utilities – 42.49 bln AMD
  • Reserve Funds – 25.80 bln AMD
  • Sport and Culture – 17.98 bln AMD
  • Environmental Protection 8.88 bln AMD

Those eleven categories (with the exception of the Reserve Funds) are divided into the relevant sub-categories.

Armenia’s 2012 budget