tankianyoutubeCivilitas Honorary Board member, world famous musician and human rights activist Serj Tankian met with Civilitas founder Vartan Oskanian and director Salpi Ghazarian before his first concert in Yerevan, on August 12. The Yerevan concert was one stop in a multi-city tour, and offered the opportunity for the singer’s third visit to Armenia.

Tankian spoke about his impressions of civil society development in Armenia, particularly the noticeable new wave of youth movements. A day earlier, upon arrival, he had met with environmental activists and said expressed appreciation for their enthusiasm and the work they do. “I think it’s really important whether it’s on an environmental level or on the human rights or political level. I really think there is an awakening happening here,” Tankian said.
For days prior to, and immediately following the concert, Facebook and other media were full of the positive reactions of Armenia’s youth welcoming the Tankian phenomenon.

The Tankian Phenomenon