DSC_8129The Civilitas Foundation hosted members of Armenia’s diplomatic corps at a meeting on Tuesday, January 31, to present the Civilitas Foundation’s fourth annual report. The report, entitled ARMENIA 2011, WITHOUT ILLUSIONS, is a compilation of facts and analysis on Armenia’s economic, political and regional developments in 2011.

The ambassadors or representatives of France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Romania, Switzerland, Syria, the US, the UK, Ukraine, and the Council of Europe, gathered to share thoughts about Civilitas programs. Civilitas Director Salpi Ghazarian discussed ongoing projects and especially the new media programs — CivilNet.TV and Orakarg, a daily newspaper. She stressed the importance of the upcoming electoral period and the importance of good, comprehensive election and economic programming.

Civilitas Founder Vartan Oskanian welcomed the ambassadors and pledged that Civilitas will continue its work to strengthen civil society and civic participation in Armenia.

Diplomatic Corps at Civilitas