MHM15642_copyThe ruling coalition’s announcement highlights the authorities’ disregard of democracy, elections and the public will.  The ruling coalition has openly declared that in the upcoming parliamentary elections they are not prepared to do what political forces are fundamentally meant to do: that is, to enter into open competition


Further, the coalition, which already enjoys absolute majority, intends to push out of the parliament those in opposition who, as it is, constitute an extremely small minority.


This does not help alleviate the already complex social, economic and political situation in the country; instead, it further exacerbates the situation. Rather than securing the continuity of those forces which are themselves the main obstacle to improving conditions, the coalition should have worked to secure a balance within the government, as an alternative to absolute rule.

These new circumstances will aggravate the public’s disenchantment, and is fraught with harmful consequences.

Vartan Oskanian on the Coalition’s Statement