Living conditions, AMD

2007 2008 2009 Min. consumer basket (thsd.) 35,2 36,1 36,7 Avg. wages (thsd.) 74,2 87,4 101,8 Avg. pension size (thsd.) 12,7 21,3 24,6 Avg  rate of 1 USD 342 306 363 Inflation, % 4.4 9.0 3.4 Sources:,,

Arrival and departure stats*

Arrival 2009 Compared to 2008 Business 25,701 -5% Recreation 13,086 +15% Medical treatment 143 -25% Total 65,638 -7% Departure Business 1,136 -6% Recreation 2,335 +14% Medical treatment 72 +1700% Total 11,234 -11% * Data is provided by tourism agencies Source: