Dr. Daniel Stamboulian, a physician from Buenos Aires, Argentina, engaged in public health issues in Argentina and Armenia, visited Civilitas on October 10. Dr. Stamboulian heads Fidec organization, which is working on fighting infectious diseases in emerging countries. During his
Mr. Regenbrecht and Ms.Wiktorin visited the Civilitas Foundation
Mr. Johannes Regenbrecht, Head of the German Foreign Ministry’s Division for the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia accompanied by Ms. Andrea Wiktorin, the Ambassador of Germany to Armenia, visited the Civilitas Foundation on October 6. During his meeting with the
Vartan Oskanian’s Interview to Kentron TV
Part 1 Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXI6bv0u6W0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwNhtP3Nies
Vartan Oskanian, Civilitas Foundation Opening Day
{youtube}ZKgyXsyD8v8{/youtube} Vartan Oskanian, founder of the Civilitas Foundation & former Foreign Minister of Armenia, speaks to reporters and introduces the Foundation to the public on the occasion of the Foundation’s official launch. Mr. Oskanian also discusses the goals, initiatives, and
Vartan Oskanian, Civilitas Foundation Opening Day
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKgyXsyD8v8 Vartan Oskanian, founder of the Civilitas Foundation & former Foreign Minister of Armenia, speaks to reporters and introduces the Foundation to the public on the occasion of the Foundation’s official launch. Mr. Oskanian also discusses the goals, initiatives, and
Vartan Oskanian’s Interview with Kentron TV
{youtube}ZXI6bv0u6W0{/youtube}Click here for Part 2, Part 3 Part 2{youtube}YwNhtP3Nies{/youtube} Vartan Oskanian’s Interview with Kentron TV discussing Armenian Foreign Diplomacy in the South Caucasus, regional cooperation and economic development, as well as former President Robert Kocharyan’s administration and policies. Part 3{youtube}iskXUvvkaI4{/youtube}
Vartan Oskanian’s Interview with “25 Minutes”
Part 1 Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KETY1SkcMk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYGpKf91m_U
Vartan Oskanian’s Interview with “25 Minutes”
{youtube}_KETY1SkcMk{/youtube} Click here for Part 2, Part3 Part 2 {youtube}LYGpKf91m_U{/youtube} Vartan Oskanian’s Interview with “25 Minutes” discussing the founding of the Civilitas Foundation, Armenian Political Development, Civil Awareness, Mr.Oskanian’s Political Involvement, as well as the responsibility to express one’s
The Civilitas Foundation
{youtube}3XUaXiKRN_w{/youtube} Salpi Ghazarian, Executive Director, introduces the Civilitas Foundation and the foundation’s goals of strengthening Armenian civil society, establishing citizen ownership, and the ideas of civilization, in order to help construct a healthy and sustainable society in Armenia, and to
Shared Lives
In My Grandmother (Verso Books, 2008) Fethiye Cetin recounts the life of her grandmother, and mine. Sort of. It turns out we were the cousins divided at birth. A young girl, living in Anatolia, Eastern Turkey, separated, violently, from parents