Activities and Goals of Civilitas Salpi H. Ghazarian, director of the Civilitas Foundation, hosted by Gala TV in Gyumrii, discusses the activities and goals of the Civilitas Foundation, and former Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian’s efforts to continue the use of his experience and resources


In the spirit of the Latin ‘Civilitas’ – the citizen’s responsibility to society – the Civilitas Foundation encourages the responsibility of every citizen to contribute to the realization of a functioning and prosperous democracy and promotes the right of every

Crisis and Opportunity

{youtube}d9Wzg8U58qM{/youtube}   Click here for Part 2 Part 2{youtube}zf9T1qKLq-o{/youtube} A public discussion following the presentation of Armenia in 2008: Crisis and Opportunity at Golden Tulip on 26 December 2008, with the participation of Vartan Oskanian of the Civilitas Foundation, former

Turkish Filmmakers Visit Civilitas

A group of Turkish filmmakers visited The Civilitas foundation on December 4. Ten young filmmakers, visiting Armenia to participate in the Second Turkish- Armenian Workshop on “Cinema as Means of Cross-Border Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”. The workshop, initiated by the