Mr. Shemi Tzur, the ambassador of Israel to Armenia, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, resident in Jerusalem, visited the Civilitas Foundation on March 19.
Vartan Oskanian’s Interview to Kentron TV
{youtube}Njv9pzBt1vE{/youtube} Click here for Part 2, Part 3 Part 2{youtube}yrm5nW0jJ14{/youtube} Vartan Oskanian’s Interview with Kentron TV discussing the United Nations Resolution regarding Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan’s ‘Territorial Integrity’, the nations who support or are against Azerbaijan in terms of Nagorno
Vartan Oskanian’s Interview to Kentron TV
Part 1 Part 2 Vartan
Neighborly Disputes
The Event Daily flights between Tbilisi and Yerevan are to begin March 16. This welcome news in relations between the two countries was followed by a surprisingly public spat between the offices of the two presidents. The verbal exchange is in
Armenia’s Falling Dram
Was there a way to prevent this panic and the losses that so many have incurred? Yes, certainly, the shock of sudden Dram devaluation would have been mitigated if the government had been frank and honest with the public, and
A Member of the German Parliament Visits Civilitas
Marcus Meckel, a member of the German Parliament, visited Civilitas in late February. A political scientist, former East German dissident, and theologian, he was in Armenia as part of an information gathering visit. Mr. Meckel, a member of the Social
Seeking Solutions Within
The official statistics released in February simply reiterate the inarguable truth: Armenia is heading towards a recession. Although these facts are not being hidden, they are not being explained either. The government continues to believe (and rightfully so) in the
Beginning of the End of Armenia’s Complementarity Policy?
Event The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), of which Armenia is currently chairman decided in an early February summit in Moscow to establish a Rapid Reaction Force that would be deployed to counter military threats against members of that organization,
Switzerland’s Ambassador to Armenia Visits Civilitas
Switzerland’s Ambassador to Armenia, Lorenzo Amberg, visited Civilitas on Thursday, February 19, 2009. Ambassador Amberg and Mr. Oskanian spoke about developments in the region. Mr. Oskanian inquired about the domestic situation in Georgia, in the aftermath of the August clash
The Oil Market Turnaround Is Damaging for Azerbaijan
Some hydrocarbon exporting countries are suffering more than others from the decline in oil prices for economic, and sometimes political reasons, too. Azerbaijan belongs to the latter category. The fall in prices is occurring just as the country’s production is