

Apart from its Annual Reports, the Civilitas Foundation issues on a regular basis articles, analyses and policy papers based on in-depth studies and reliable research. These Civilitas publications remain the only comprehensive Armenia-based analyses of our own domestic and foreign, economic and political policies, as well as Armenia’s take on the implications of regional and global relationships around us. They offer consolidated perspective and context to the international community.

Public Discussions

Public Discussions

Civilitas Foundation’s public forums, featuring guests from around the world and throughout Armenia, have become a staple of civil society discourse in Armenia. Opinion and policy makers from all perspectives and all sectors, speak and respond to questions from students, diplomats, the media and all stakeholders, in an inclusive, tolerant, egalitarian environment intended to stimulate the transformation of Armenian society into a functioning polity by promoting healthy political discourse on key developmental issues.


Civilitas periodically conducts opinion research to determine the public pulse on domestic and regional issues of concern. This program was initially supported by the Germany Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is currently supported, in part, by the National Endowment for Democracy.

Climbing the Mountain

CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN offers a global audience the opportunity to join the complex, personal discussions on a still dark, still hidden history of relations between Armenians and Turks. This a series of travelling programs with a pair of celebrities – Armenian and Turk – each of whom talks about their “personal journeys” dealing with historical and political tensions arising from the Armenian Genocide, its recognition and denial, and their own views on the way forward.

Civilitas Istanbul Center

The Civilitas Istanbul Center will present issues of interest and concern to Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora to the opinion and policy makers in Istanbul, while simultaneously attempting to understand and communicate to Armenians the ongoing questions and discussions within Turkish society. Civilitas is the first Armenia-based organization to establish a presence in Turkey. The Center is located in Hidivyal Palas, owned and operated by the Karageuzian Foundation of Turkey, which has generously made the space available to Civilitas.

Hosting interns and volunteers

Civilitas continues to host volunteers and interns. In February, 2014, Birthright Armenia connected two new enthusiastic volunteers – Arsen Akopyants and Alan Vahe Grigorian – with Civilitas. Arsen was born and raised in Kislovodsk, Russia. He is a graduate of