marshalOn October 20 Civilitas received a senior delegation of foreign policy and development experts from the European Union and the United States. The meeting was held in the framework of a South Caucasus Study Tour organized by the Black Sea Trust of the German Marshall Trust in cooperation with the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Yerevan is the last stop of the delegation after Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Civilitas founder Mr. Oskanian and Civilitas Director Salpi Ghazarian answered a range of questions from Nagorno Karabakh conflict regulation issues to normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations and Genocide recognition, cooperation with the European Union, as well as Diaspora involvement in domestic matters and international issues surrounding Armenia. The purpose of the visit and the meeting was to bring experts together from different countries in an exchange aimed to enhance understanding of issues, inform policy decisions, and improve long-term cooperation.

The group included former diplomats, Congressional staffers, journalists as well as regional specialists.

German Marshall Fund’s Black Sea Trust and Robert Bosch Stiftung Delegation at Civilitas