During his meeting with Vartan Oskanian, Mr. Landaburu presented Mr. Oskanian the perspectives of the European Union on European and regional issues, including the Russian-Georgian conflict, European neighborhood policy and more.

Founder of Civilitas, Armenia’s former Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian welcomed the European Union’s involvement in the region, and stated his belief that EU can and should do more in and for the region.

“The EU should be more ambitious,” Vartan Oskanian stated.

Drawing parallels between the world economic and security crisis, Mr Oskanian said he is sure that new institutions and orders are needed not only in the economic, but in the security sphere as well. NATO’s enlargement shouldn’t be the only tool to ensure security for the newly independent states in Europe, Mr. Oskanian believes. The European Union can be one of the new pillars of a new security system for this region.

Asked about the recent developments in the region and their consequences for Armenia, Vartan Oskanian responded that the conflict between Russia and Georgia demonstrated clearly the fragility of the region’s stability and the economy generally and for Armenia in particular. That is why it is essential that the EU pay more attention to regional projects and structural development, instead of focusing on Russian-Georgian relations only. Creating alternative roots and opening communications should be a priority for the EU in this region.

Vartan Oskanian suggested that the EU can do more to involve Turkey in a constructive dialogue. Opening the border with Armenia could create broad opportunities for the region, and this depends on the good will of just one country: Turkey.

EU’s Director General for External Relations Visits the Civilitas Foundation