
In what has become an annual tradition, a reception with Armenia’s diplomatic corps and representatives of international organizations took place at the Civilitas Foundation, on February 8, 2011.For the third consecutive year, the chairman of the board of the Civilitas Foundation, former foreign minister Vartan Oskanian invited ambassadors to comment on the Foundation’s annual report, and share thoughts about Armenia and the region.Civilitas Director Salpi Ghazarian talked about the Foundation’s old and new projects in education, media, rural development, and the projects of the Civilitas Council on International Relations.

Mr. Oskanian expanded on the Foundation’s mission and its role in Armenia’s development, generally, as well as specific regional, domestic political and economic developments of the last year. The ambassadors of Brazil, France, Germany, India, Italy, Romania, the United Kingdom, together with the high representatives of the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the Consul of China shared their own impressions of the recent year, which the Civilitas report had entitled A YEAR OF UNCERTAINTY.

Yerevan’s Diplomatic Corps at Civilitas