One week after the Yerevan City elections and just days after the results are publicized, the Civilitas Foundation invites you to a forum on “The Right to Elect.” President of the Civilitas Board Vartan Oskanian will speak with Armenia’s Ombudsman Armen Harutunyan to discuss this most basic civil right, both in theory and in the way in which it’s being applied in Armenia.

The Ombudsman, Armenia’s human rights defender, has spoken out about the presidential election of 2008 and the events and environment that followed. Now, in the context of the Yerevan elections, Civilitas invites those interested to discuss the institutional and personal factors which define each election and how to prepare the ground for true, reflective, responsive elections.

The Civilitas Forum will take place at the Yerevan Golden Tulip Hotel Rossini Room on June 9, at 4.30 pm. To attend please register at, or by calling 010.500119.

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A Civilitas Forum: The Right to Elect