On March 31, Civilitas board chairman Vartan Oskanian, together with board member Vahe Aghabegians, Programs Coordinator Hayk Petrosyan and Communications Coordinator Anna Saghabalyan visited Tavush region for the official opening of the community administration building and the inauguration of the gasification of the village of Ditavan.

Both projects were undertaken by the Rural Development Program of the Hayastan All-Armenia Fund.

The projects were sponsored by Armen and Nadya Ekserciyan of Argentina, who were one of the first benefactors to respond to Mr. Oskanian’s call to support the development of border communities of Armenia, as part of a program that began when Mr. Oskanian was still foreign minister.

Having been continuously involved in different development projects in Armenia since independence, Armen and Nadya fully understood the value of comprehensive development and were eager to be helpful when the Civilitas Foundation launched its rural economic facilitation program. They appreciated the value of helping villagers to help themselves to achieve self-sufficiency and live a life of dignity.

In addition to their work with the Armenia Fund, Armen and Nadya also sponsor the Civilitas Foundation program to increasing dairy production, and improve livelihoods, thus contributing to poverty reduction in rural areas of Armenia. Their program to help enhance milking efficiency in order to allow farmers to become self-reliant has resulted in assistance to nearly four dozen farmers around the country.

On April 1-st Mr. Ekserciyan visited the Civilitas Foundation and met with the Civilitas staff.


The Civilitas Foundation Visits Tavush Region