VOToday, I once again visited Raffi Hovannisian, former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia and founder of the Heritage Party, who has been on a hunger strike for the past eight days. In speaking with him, it becomes clear that the leader of one segment of the opposition is determined to continue this political protest as an expression of his disagreement with current policies. Nevertheless, with every passing day, the hunger strike is affecting his health – the effects of which are visibly apparent.

Undoubtedly, Raffi Hovannisian is expressing the frustration and lack of hope in the future that exists in a significant portion of the population of Armenia.

Taking into consideration that in 2007, during his tenure as Prime Minister of Armenia, the current president visited and encouraged famous Armenian boxer Israel Hakobkokhyan to end his hunger strike founded on political concerns, I believe that the president should take the same initiative and reach out to Raffi Hovannisian. This step would contribute to the improvement of the internal political realities, as well as provide a way out of the current situation.

Oskanian: Call for Action on Hunger Strike